City Council Meetings


Regular City Council meetings are held on the first and third Mondays of each month, at 6:30 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chamber located at 14717 Burin Avenue.

We encourage the public to view agendas on AgendaLink, at City Hall, or the City Hall Courtyard (Posting Board).

To receive agenda packets by e-mail, contact the City Clerk office at (310) 973-3200 or [email protected].


The city wishes to make its meetings accessible to all members of the public. If you need special assistance to participate in a council meeting, please contact the assistant city clerk at (310) 973 3213 no later than Thursday before regular meetings and at least 48 hours prior to special meetings.


The City Council follows a regular order of business for all of its regularly scheduled meetings. Meetings of the housing authority, successor redevelopment agency and other city agencies may be held at the same time. The agenda is divided into the following sections. (Sections denoted by an asterisk (*) may not appear on every agenda.) If another agency is also scheduled to meet, individual agenda items will identify that agency.

*Presentations: Council recognizes individuals and organizations for their accomplishments and contributions to the community by presenting certificates and proclamations. Other entities may make presentations to provide information of value and interest to the community.

*Public Safety Report: The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department's South Los Angeles Station captain regularly reports on law enforcement activities in the city.

*Items from City Clerk: The city clerk may report on matters related to the agenda or make announcements to the community.

Oral Communications - Items Not on the Agenda: The City Council welcomes public participation at its meetings. The public may comment on any matter that is not on the agenda and where the city has jurisdiction.

Anyone wishing to address council is requested, but not required to submit a speaker request form to the city clerk. These are available in the pocket on the council chamber door. Each individual may speak for five minutes. Groups are encouraged to select one spokesperson to speak for all.

Comments from Council: The City Council will respond to the public's concerns during this portion of the meeting. Under state law, council may not take action on matters that are not listed on the agenda. However, council may refer subjects raised by the public to city staff or place them on the agenda of a subsequent meeting.

Consent Calendar: Routine items are listed in the Consent Calendar and may be acted upon by one motion and one roll call vote. Any councilmember may remove agenda items from the Consent Calendar for separate discussion and vote. The public is welcome to comment.

*Public Hearings: Certain matters, such as land use issues and administrative fees, must be considered in a noticed public hearing. Once staff has presented a report and relevant evidence, the presiding officer will open the public hearing. Those wishing to speak or present evidence may be sworn in prior to being allowed to speak. No person may speak without first being recognized by the presiding officer, nor may anyone provide testimony after the public hearing has been closed. The presiding officer may establish a time limit for each speaker.

*Administration: Staff will individually present more complex issues and matters requiring a new appropriation of funds during this portion of the meeting. Items that have been considered, but not formally acted upon in a previous meeting are usually considered first.
The public will have the opportunity to comment on each item individually after the staff's presentation and before council's discussion of the matter.

City Manager's Report: The city manager may discuss items of interest to the City Council and/or the community.

Items from Councilmembers: In this portion of the meeting, individual councilmembers comment on any matter affecting the city, its residents and business community. They also report their attendance at city-paid meetings and conferences. Councilmembers occasionally place issues on the agenda which may result in formal action. Such matters will be described on the agenda.

*Closed Session: State law authorizes public agencies to discuss certain matters in a confidential closed session. The city attorney will describe each matter to be discussed before council recesses to the closed session. When the public meeting resumes, the city attorney will report on any action taken during closed session.


The City Council is empowered by state law to adopt ordinances, so long as they do not conflict with the state constitution, state laws or federal laws. Ordinances are the most binding form of action taken by the City Council. Many ordinances create or affect city laws and these laws are contained in the Lawndale Municipal Code. People who violate certain portions the municipal code may be cited and required to pay a fine. Other violations can result in steeper fines or imprisonment. Approval of most ordinances requires two separate readings at least five days apart. Once adopted, an ordinance generally takes effect 30 days after final passage and remains a city law until and unless it is revised or repealed by a subsequent ordinance. During this 30-day period, the public can use the referendum process to repeal the new law.

A resolution is a written action or decision and requires only one reading. Like ordinances, resolutions usually remain in effect until amended or repealed by a subsequent resolution.

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